District 1
Ronnie Turner
603 N. Main St.
Monticello, KY 42633
(606) 348-6830

District 2
Jeffrey Darrell Dishman
10 Rain Barrel Rd.
Monticello, KY 42633
(606) 340-7862
District 3
Wade Dick
Monticello, KY 42633
(606) 307-8519
District 4
Jonathan Dobbs
105 Virgina Jones Rd
Monticello,Ky. 42633
(606) 348-1665
(606) 307-1399
Who is my magistrate?
If you are unsure of who your magistrate is, the following list of communities will have the corresponding magisterial district number:
Across the Lake 4; Alpha 2; Barrier 3; Bartleston Sub 3; Beaver Creek 1; Beech Valley 4; Bell Subdivision 4; Bethesda 2; Betsey 4; Big Sinking 3; Brammer Hill 3; Bugwood 1; Buncomb 2; Burfield 3; Cabell 2; Camp Attrahunt 1; Camp Earl Wallace 1; Cart-Bell Ridge 1; Cedar Hill 3; Chestnut Grove 2; Clay Hill 3; Colletts Hill 1; Coffey Mountain 2/3; Colonial Estates 4; Concord 3; Conley Bottom 4; Cooper 2; Coopersville 3; Cowan Hull Sub 1&2; Cumberland Ridge 4; Damron Addn 1; Delta 3; Denney Hollow 3; Denney’s Gap 3; Dobbs Hill 4; Dry Hollow 2; Duncan Valley 2; Eadsville 1; Eastland Sub 3; Eastview Sub 4; Elk Ridge 3; F & T 4; Fall Creek 4; Farmington Sq. 4; Frazier 3; Frisby 1; Gap Creek 2; Gap of the Ridge 4; Golden Pond 4; Grazeland Sub 4; Green Acres 2; Greenbriar 2; Greenford 3; Gregory 3; Griffin 3; Happy Top 2; Heartland Sub 4; Hidalgo 2; Highland View Sub 3; Hill & Dale Sub 4; Indian Cave 4; Jonesville 3; Kelley Lane Rd 4; Kidder 3; Kidds Crossing 3; Lick Creek 3; Lock Twenty One 1; Locketts Chapel 4; Meadow Creek 4; Mercer Addn 4; Mill Springs 4; Missouri Hollow 2; Morrows Landing 4; Mt. Pisgah 2; Murl 2; Mystic View 4; Number One 2; Oil Valley 3; Parmleysville 3; Parnell 1; Pisgah 2; Powersburg 2; Pueblo 3; Raleigh Creek 3&4; Ramsey’s Point 1; Rectors Flat 2; Ritner 3; Rocky Branch 3; Rogers Grove 4; Rolo Home Trlr Park 4; Sandy Valley 2; Shaw Valley 3; Shearer Valley 2; Shiloh 3; Slat 2; Slickford 2; Spann Hill 4; Stokes Rd 1; Stop 2; Strawberry Rd 3; Stuebensville 4; Sumpter 2; Sunnybrook 2; Susie 2; Tolers Ridge 1; Touristville 4; Turkey Creek 3; Twyfords Point 1; Valley View 4; West Monticello Subdvision 1; Whiteway Inn Rd. 1; Windy 2; Wright Hollow Rd. 4; Wray Hill 2; Zollicoffer 4; Zula 2